AB Shutter 3 を使って Raspberry PI コンソール・アプリをリモート操作する。
我が家の場合、Raspberry Pi Zero 2Wにより最新の広報が公開されていたら自動でDL(DL後にLEDが点滅しておしえてくれる)していつでもTVで見れるようにしている。
Raspberry Pi Zero 2Wはメモリが512MなためGUIは無理だが画像表示ぐらいなら十分可能だ。fbiという画像表示コマンドが公開されていてフレームバッファを直接利用することで画像表示を可能としている。
sudo apt install fbi
fbi -t 30 -noverbose -a *.png
OpenJTalkなどで作成した音声ファイル(.wav)があればaplay -q xxx.wavでTVを喋らせることもできたりして面白い。帰宅したらTVを自動で電源オンし入力ソースを自動で切替して、
サウンドカードの設定はaplay -lで表示された[vc4-hdmi]のcard番号がalsa.confのdefault設定になっていることを確認し違っていたら書き換えるだけ。
$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: vc4hdmi [vc4-hdmi], device 0: MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0 [MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
defaults.ctl.card 0
defaults.pcm.card 0
HDMI-CEC制御のためにRaspberry Pi側には次の設定が必要。希望の動作になるよう組み合わせて設定すれば良い。
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#起動時にHDMI接続がなくても認識させる hdmi_force_hotplug=1 #HDMIから音声出力 hdmi_driver=2 #RaspberryPi 接続時にディスプレイをオンにしない #この設定を行うとログイン前にLAN接続されなくなる hdmi_ignore_cec_init=1 #HDMI表示できないときに試してみる hdmi_safe=1 |
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if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then ${INSTALL_DIR}/remocon fi |
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# # remocon.conf - Application Remote Controller Configuration # # <hdmi-action-names> # # power # poweron # standby # activate # inactivate # volumeup # volumedown # muteaudio # # # STB Main Program # [program] cmdline=fbi -t 30 -noverbose -a *.png # # User Command (Search in the order of HDMI Command -> User Command) # [control] ledpwroff=echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/PWR/brightness ledpwron=echo default-on > /sys/class/leds/PWR/trigger ledpwrblink=echo timer > /sys/class/leds/PWR/trigger #ledactoff=echo actpwr > /sys/class/leds/ACT/trigger # Other than Raspberry Pi Zero ledactoff=echo mmc0 > /sys/class/leds/ACT/trigger # for Raspberry Pi Zero ledacton=echo default-on > /sys/class/leds/ACT/trigger ledactblink=echo timer > /sys/class/leds/ACT/trigger up=./up.sh down=./down.sh left=<ledactoff><"j"> # for fbi right=<ledactoff><"k"> # for fbi quit=<ledactoff><"q"> # for fbi # # STB Remocon Command # [keyboard] power=<power> select=<inactive> up=<up><activate> down=<down><activate> left=<left><activate> right=<right><activate> volumeup=<left><activate> # for AB Shutter 3 volumedown=<right><activate> # for AB Shutter 3 [keyboard.long-pressed] #volumeup=<up><activate> # for AB Shutter 3 #volumedown=<down><activate> # for AB Shutter 3 # # TV Setting and TV Remocon Command # [tv] name=RP-STB # TVの入力切替時に表示されるデバイス名 select=<inactive> up=<up> down=<down> left=<left> right=<right> f1_blue=<ledpwroff> f2_red=<ledpwron> f3_green=<ledpwrblink> f4_yellow= # # Bluetooth keyboard device for STB Remocon # [device] AB Shutter=Keyboard BOXPUT=Keyboard |
1 |
event=<"標準入力へ出力する文字列"><HDMI-CEC制御アクション名>コマンドライン |
AB Shutter 3は電池持ちが悪く不安定なのと2ボタンしかないのでBOXPUTなどのbluetoothリモコンがお勧め。
sudo apt-get install cec-utils -y
Raspberry Pi Zero 2 WでBluetoothを使えるようにする
BOXPUTリモコンのOKボタン(select=)に対応。AB Shutter 3 は不安定なのでお勧めではないがBOXPUTリモコンは動作も安定していてお勧めだ。
AB Shutter 3 の小さいボタンのコードの規定値をKEY_ENTERからKEY_VOLUMEDOWNに変更。あとHDMIアクション名からremote.confの[control]の設定を参照&実行できるように改良。
1 2 3 |
[device] AB Shutter=Keyboard BOXPUT=Keyboard |
設定は、デバイスを接続した後、cat /proc/bus/input/devicesにより表示される N: Name=… の先頭文字と最終文字を’=’で分けて指定する。
例えば、Name=”AB Shutter3 Keyboard”の場合は、
1 |
N: Name="AB Shutter3 Keyboard" --> AB Shutter=Keyboard |
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pi@rp3ap:~ $ cat /proc/bus/input/devices I: Bus=001e Vendor=0000 Product=0000 Version=0001 N: Name="vc4-hdmi" P: Phys=vc4-hdmi/input0 S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/soc/3f902000.hdmi/rc/rc0/input0 U: Uniq= H: Handlers=kbd event0 B: PROP=20 B: EV=100017 B: KEY=ffffc000000000 3ff 0 400000320fc200 40830c900000000 0 210300 49d2c040ec00 1e378000000000 8010000010000000 B: REL=3 B: MSC=10 I: Bus=0003 Vendor=1234 Product=5678 Version=0000 N: Name="Example device" P: Phys= S: Sysfs=/devices/virtual/input/input1 U: Uniq= H: Handlers=sysrq kbd event1 rfkill B: PROP=0 B: EV=3 B: KEY=7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffe I: Bus=0005 Vendor=248a Product=8266 Version=0001 N: Name="AB Shutter3 Consumer Control" P: Phys=b8:27:eb:35:24:9c S: Sysfs=/devices/virtual/misc/uhid/0005:248A:8266.0002/input/input2 U: Uniq=ff:ff:7f:f2:30:75 H: Handlers=kbd event2 B: PROP=0 B: EV=13 B: KEY=1e000000000000 0 B: MSC=10 I: Bus=0005 Vendor=248a Product=8266 Version=0001 N: Name="AB Shutter3 Keyboard" <-- ★★★この名前を登録する★★★ P: Phys=b8:27:eb:35:24:9c S: Sysfs=/devices/virtual/misc/uhid/0005:248A:8266.0002/input/input3 U: Uniq=ff:ff:7f:f2:30:75 H: Handlers=sysrq kbd event3 B: PROP=0 B: EV=100013 B: KEY=1000000000007 ff98007ac04007ff febeffdfffefffff fffffffffffffffe B: MSC=10 |
ワイヤレスリモコン,5.0 GHz,2.4インチ,ジャイロスコープ付き,Android TV,ボックス,PC用
Bluetoothデバイスの検索を一定間隔でポーリング処理していたがCPU使用率が若干高めであったためinotify-apiを使って効率よく処理できるように改良してみた。ちなみにダイソーのAB Shutter3は2個のデバイスが作成されるがinotify-apiではそのうちの1個の名前しか返さないためinotify-apiは同期をとるためだけに利用している。またスレッドの挙動によるタイミング・バグがあったため修正。
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TARGET = remocon OBJS = $(TARGET).o DEPFILES = $(OBJS:%.o=%.d) CC = gcc CFLAGS = CPPFLAGS = CXXFLAGS = -Wall -MMD -I./libcec LDLIBS = -L. -lstdc++ -lpthread -ldl $(TARGET): $(OBJS) $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDLIBS) clean: rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(DEPFILES) -include $(DEPFILES) |
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#!/bin/bash CWD=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd) SCAN=${CWD}/ble-scan PAIRING=${CWD}/ble-pairing bluetoothctl power off bluetoothctl power on bluetoothctl agent NoInputNoOutput if [ -f ${PAIRING} ]; then MAC=$(cat ${PAIRING}) if [ "${MAC}" != "" ]; then bluetoothctl disconnect ${MAC} bluetoothctl untrust ${MAC} bluetoothctl remove ${MAC} fi rm ${PAIRING} > /dev/null 2>&1 fi stdbuf -o0 bluetoothctl scan on 1> ${SCAN} & while true do sleep 1 MAC=$(sed -n -r "s/\[.*NEW.*\] Device (.*) AB Shutter.*/\1/p" ${SCAN} | head -n 1) if [ "${MAC}" != "" ]; then break; fi MAC=$(sed -n -r "s/\[.*NEW.*\] Device (.*) BOXPUT.*/\1/p" ${SCAN} | head -n 1) if [ "${MAC}" != "" ]; then break; fi done echo ${MAC} > ${PAIRING} bluetoothctl pair ${MAC} bluetoothctl trust ${MAC} bluetoothctl connect ${MAC} |
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/* remocon.cpp - Application Remote Controller Copyright (c) 2023 Sasapea's Lab. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include "ceclib.h" #include "remocon.h" #include "fileprops.h" #define LONGPRESS_TIME 3000000 // us typedef struct { int code; const char *name; } keyinfo_t; const keyinfo_t INPUT_KEYS[] = { { KEY_RESERVED, "reserved" }, { KEY_ESC, "esc" }, { KEY_1, "1" }, { KEY_2, "2" }, { KEY_3, "3" }, { KEY_4, "4" }, { KEY_5, "5" }, { KEY_6, "6" }, { KEY_7, "7" }, { KEY_8, "8" }, { KEY_9, "9" }, { KEY_0, "0" }, { KEY_MINUS, "minus" }, { KEY_EQUAL, "equal" }, { KEY_BACKSPACE, "backspace" }, { KEY_TAB, "tab" }, { KEY_Q, "q" }, { KEY_W, "w" }, { KEY_E, "e" }, { KEY_R, "r" }, { KEY_T, "t" }, { KEY_Y, "y" }, { KEY_U, "u" }, { KEY_I, "i" }, { KEY_O, "o" }, { KEY_P, "p" }, { KEY_LEFTBRACE, "leftbrace" }, { KEY_RIGHTBRACE, "rightbrace" }, { KEY_ENTER, "enter" }, { KEY_LEFTCTRL, "leftctrl" }, { KEY_A, "a" }, { KEY_S, "s" }, { KEY_D, "d" }, { KEY_F, "f" }, { KEY_G, "g" }, { KEY_H, "h" }, { KEY_J, "j" }, { KEY_K, "k" }, { KEY_L, "l" }, { KEY_SEMICOLON, "semicolon" }, { KEY_APOSTROPHE, "apostrophe" }, { KEY_GRAVE, "grave" }, { KEY_LEFTSHIFT, "leftshift" }, { KEY_BACKSLASH, "backslash" }, { KEY_Z, "z" }, { KEY_X, "x" }, { KEY_C, "c" }, { KEY_V, "v" }, { KEY_B, "b" }, { KEY_N, "n" }, { KEY_M, "m" }, { KEY_COMMA, "comma" }, { KEY_DOT, "dot" }, { KEY_SLASH, "slash" }, { KEY_RIGHTSHIFT, "rightshift" }, { KEY_KPASTERISK, "kpasterisk" }, { KEY_LEFTALT, "leftalt" }, { KEY_SPACE, "space" }, { KEY_CAPSLOCK, "capslock" }, { KEY_F1, "f1" }, { KEY_F2, "f2" }, { KEY_F3, "f3" }, { KEY_F4, "f4" }, { KEY_F5, "f5" }, { KEY_F6, "f6" }, { KEY_F7, "f7" }, { KEY_F8, "f8" }, { KEY_F9, "f9" }, { KEY_F10, "f10" }, { KEY_NUMLOCK, "numlock" }, { KEY_SCROLLLOCK, "scrolllock" }, { KEY_KP7, "kp7" }, { KEY_KP8, "kp8" }, { KEY_KP9, "kp9" }, { KEY_KPMINUS, "kpminus" }, { KEY_KP4, "kp4" }, { KEY_KP5, "kp5" }, { KEY_KP6, "kp6" }, { KEY_KPPLUS, "kpplus" }, { KEY_KP1, "kp1" }, { KEY_KP2, "kp2" }, { KEY_KP3, "kp3" }, { KEY_KP0, "kp0" }, { KEY_KPDOT, "kpdot" }, { KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU, "zenkakuhankaku" }, { KEY_102ND, "102nd" }, { KEY_F11, "f11" }, { KEY_F12, "f12" }, { KEY_RO, "ro" }, { KEY_KATAKANA, "katakana" }, { KEY_HIRAGANA, "hiragana" }, { KEY_HENKAN, "henkan" }, { KEY_KATAKANAHIRAGANA, "katakanahiragana" }, { KEY_MUHENKAN, "muhenkan" }, { KEY_KPJPCOMMA, "kpjpcomma" }, { KEY_KPENTER, "kpenter" }, { KEY_RIGHTCTRL, "rightctrl" }, { KEY_KPSLASH, "kpslash" }, { KEY_SYSRQ, "sysrq" }, { KEY_RIGHTALT, "rightalt" }, { KEY_LINEFEED, "linefeed" }, { KEY_HOME, "home" }, { KEY_UP, "up" }, { KEY_PAGEUP, "pageup" }, { KEY_LEFT, "left" }, { KEY_RIGHT, "right" }, { KEY_END, "end" }, { KEY_DOWN, "down" }, { KEY_PAGEDOWN, "pagedown" }, { KEY_INSERT, "insert" }, { KEY_DELETE, "delete" }, { KEY_MACRO, "macro" }, { KEY_MUTE, "mute" }, { KEY_VOLUMEDOWN, "volumedown" }, { KEY_VOLUMEUP, "volumeup" }, { KEY_POWER, "power" }, { KEY_KPEQUAL, "kpequal" }, { KEY_KPPLUSMINUS, "kpplusminus" }, { KEY_PAUSE, "pause" }, { KEY_SCALE, "scale" }, { KEY_KPCOMMA, "kpcomma" }, { KEY_HANGEUL, "hangeul" }, { KEY_HANGUEL, "hanguel" }, { KEY_HANJA, "hanja" }, { KEY_YEN, "yen" }, { KEY_LEFTMETA, "leftmeta" }, { KEY_RIGHTMETA, "rightmeta" }, { KEY_COMPOSE, "compose" }, { KEY_STOP, "stop" }, { KEY_AGAIN, "again" }, { KEY_PROPS, "props" }, { KEY_UNDO, "undo" }, { KEY_FRONT, "front" }, { KEY_COPY, "copy" }, { KEY_OPEN, "open" }, { KEY_PASTE, "paste" }, { KEY_FIND, "find" }, { KEY_CUT, "cut" }, { KEY_HELP, "help" }, { KEY_MENU, "menu" }, { KEY_CALC, "calc" }, { KEY_SETUP, "setup" }, { KEY_SLEEP, "sleep" }, { KEY_WAKEUP, "wakeup" }, { KEY_FILE, "file" }, { KEY_SENDFILE, "sendfile" }, { KEY_DELETEFILE, "deletefile" }, { KEY_XFER, "xfer" }, { KEY_PROG1, "prog1" }, { KEY_PROG2, "prog2" }, { KEY_WWW, "www" }, { KEY_MSDOS, "msdos" }, { KEY_COFFEE, "coffee" }, { KEY_SCREENLOCK, "screenlock" }, { KEY_ROTATE_DISPLAY, "rotate_display" }, { KEY_DIRECTION, "direction" }, { KEY_CYCLEWINDOWS, "cyclewindows" }, { KEY_MAIL, "mail" }, { KEY_BOOKMARKS, "bookmarks" }, { KEY_COMPUTER, "computer" }, { KEY_BACK, "back" }, { KEY_FORWARD, "forward" }, { KEY_CLOSECD, "closecd" }, { KEY_EJECTCD, "ejectcd" }, { KEY_EJECTCLOSECD, "ejectclosecd" }, { KEY_NEXTSONG, "nextsong" }, { KEY_PLAYPAUSE, "playpause" }, { KEY_PREVIOUSSONG, "previoussong" }, { KEY_STOPCD, "stopcd" }, { KEY_RECORD, "record" }, { KEY_REWIND, "rewind" }, { KEY_PHONE, "phone" }, { KEY_ISO, "iso" }, { KEY_CONFIG, "config" }, { KEY_HOMEPAGE, "homepage" }, { KEY_REFRESH, "refresh" }, { KEY_EXIT, "exit" }, { KEY_MOVE, "move" }, { KEY_EDIT, "edit" }, { KEY_SCROLLUP, "scrollup" }, { KEY_SCROLLDOWN, "scrolldown" }, { KEY_KPLEFTPAREN, "kpleftparen" }, { KEY_KPRIGHTPAREN, "kprightparen" }, { KEY_NEW, "new" }, { KEY_REDO, "redo" }, { KEY_F13, "f13" }, { KEY_F14, "f14" }, { KEY_F15, "f15" }, { KEY_F16, "f16" }, { KEY_F17, "f17" }, { KEY_F18, "f18" }, { KEY_F19, "f19" }, { KEY_F20, "f20" }, { KEY_F21, "f21" }, { KEY_F22, "f22" }, { KEY_F23, "f23" }, { KEY_F24, "f24" }, { KEY_PLAYCD, "playcd" }, { KEY_PAUSECD, "pausecd" }, { KEY_PROG3, "prog3" }, { KEY_PROG4, "prog4" }, { KEY_ALL_APPLICATIONS, "all_applications" }, { KEY_DASHBOARD, "dashboard" }, { KEY_SUSPEND, "suspend" }, { KEY_CLOSE, "close" }, { KEY_PLAY, "play" }, { KEY_FASTFORWARD, "fastforward" }, { KEY_BASSBOOST, "bassboost" }, { KEY_PRINT, "print" }, { KEY_HP, "hp" }, { KEY_CAMERA, "camera" }, { KEY_SOUND, "sound" }, { KEY_QUESTION, "question" }, { KEY_EMAIL, "email" }, { KEY_CHAT, "chat" }, { KEY_SEARCH, "search" }, { KEY_CONNECT, "connect" }, { KEY_FINANCE, "finance" }, { KEY_SPORT, "sport" }, { KEY_SHOP, "shop" }, { KEY_ALTERASE, "alterase" }, { KEY_CANCEL, "cancel" }, { KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN, "brightnessdown" }, { KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP, "brightnessup" }, { KEY_MEDIA, "media" }, { KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE, "switchvideomode" }, { KEY_KBDILLUMTOGGLE, "kbdillumtoggle" }, { KEY_KBDILLUMDOWN, "kbdillumdown" }, { KEY_KBDILLUMUP, "kbdillumup" }, { KEY_SEND, "send" }, { KEY_REPLY, "reply" }, { KEY_FORWARDMAIL, "forwardmail" }, { KEY_SAVE, "save" }, { KEY_DOCUMENTS, "documents" }, { KEY_BATTERY, "battery" }, { KEY_BLUETOOTH, "bluetooth" }, { KEY_WLAN, "wlan" }, { KEY_UWB, "uwb" }, { KEY_UNKNOWN, "unknown" }, { KEY_VIDEO_NEXT, "video_next" }, { KEY_VIDEO_PREV, "video_prev" }, { KEY_BRIGHTNESS_CYCLE, "brightness_cycle" }, { KEY_BRIGHTNESS_AUTO, "brightness_auto" }, { KEY_BRIGHTNESS_ZERO, "brightness_zero" }, { KEY_DISPLAY_OFF, "display_off" }, { KEY_WWAN, "wwan" }, { KEY_WIMAX, "wimax" }, { KEY_RFKILL, "rfkill" }, { KEY_MICMUTE, "micmute" }, { 353, "select" }, // BOXPUT { 0, nullptr }, }; const keyinfo_t HDMI_CEC_KEYS[] = { { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_SELECT , "select" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_UP , "up" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_DOWN , "down" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_LEFT , "left" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_RIGHT , "right" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_RIGHT_UP , "right_up" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_RIGHT_DOWN , "right_down" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_LEFT_UP , "left_up" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_LEFT_DOWN , "left_down" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_ROOT_MENU , "root_menu" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_SETUP_MENU , "setup_menu" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_CONTENTS_MENU , "contents_menu" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_FAVORITE_MENU , "favorite_menu" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_EXIT , "exit" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_TOP_MENU , "top_menu" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_DVD_MENU , "dvd_menu" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER_ENTRY_MODE , "number_entry_mode" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER11 , "number11" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER12 , "number12" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER0 , "number0" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER1 , "number1" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER2 , "number2" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER3 , "number3" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER4 , "number4" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER5 , "number5" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER6 , "number6" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER7 , "number7" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER8 , "number8" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NUMBER9 , "number9" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_DOT , "dot" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_ENTER , "enter" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_CLEAR , "clear" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_NEXT_FAVORITE , "next_favorite" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_CHANNEL_UP , "channel_up" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_CHANNEL_DOWN , "channel_down" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_PREVIOUS_CHANNEL , "previous_channel" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_SOUND_SELECT , "sound_select" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_INPUT_SELECT , "input_select" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_DISPLAY_INFORMATION , "display_information" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_HELP , "help" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_PAGE_UP , "page_up" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_PAGE_DOWN , "page_down" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_POWER , "power" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_VOLUME_UP , "volume_up" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_VOLUME_DOWN , "volume_down" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_MUTE , "mute" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_PLAY , "play" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_STOP , "stop" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_PAUSE , "pause" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_RECORD , "record" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_REWIND , "rewind" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_FAST_FORWARD , "fast_forward" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_EJECT , "eject" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_FORWARD , "forward" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_BACKWARD , "backward" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_STOP_RECORD , "stop_record" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_PAUSE_RECORD , "pause_record" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_ANGLE , "angle" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_SUB_PICTURE , "sub_picture" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_VIDEO_ON_DEMAND , "video_on_demand" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_ELECTRONIC_PROGRAM_GUIDE , "electronic_program_guide" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_TIMER_PROGRAMMING , "timer_programming" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_INITIAL_CONFIGURATION , "initial_configuration" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_SELECT_BROADCAST_TYPE , "select_broadcast_type" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_SELECT_SOUND_PRESENTATION , "select_sound_presentation" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_PLAY_FUNCTION , "play_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_PAUSE_PLAY_FUNCTION , "pause_play_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_RECORD_FUNCTION , "record_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_PAUSE_RECORD_FUNCTION , "pause_record_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_STOP_FUNCTION , "stop_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_MUTE_FUNCTION , "mute_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_RESTORE_VOLUME_FUNCTION , "restore_volume_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_TUNE_FUNCTION , "tune_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_SELECT_MEDIA_FUNCTION , "select_media_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_SELECT_AV_INPUT_FUNCTION , "select_av_input_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_SELECT_AUDIO_INPUT_FUNCTION, "select_audio_input_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_POWER_TOGGLE_FUNCTION , "power_toggle_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_POWER_OFF_FUNCTION , "power_off_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_POWER_ON_FUNCTION , "power_on_function" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_F1_BLUE , "f1_blue" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_F2_RED , "f2_red" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_F3_GREEN , "f3_green" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_F4_YELLOW , "f4_yellow" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_F5 , "f5" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_DATA , "data" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_AN_RETURN , "an_return" }, { CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_AN_CHANNELS_LIST , "an_channels_list" }, { 0, nullptr }, }; FileProps props; CECLib ceclib; Remocon remocon; UInput uinput; int exitcode; FILE *redirect; bool cecready; bool debugmode; char config[PATH_MAX]; void command(const char *str); size_t escape(char *buf, const char *str, size_t len) { int cnt = 0; while (len-- > 0) { char c = *str++; if (c == '\\') { switch (c = *str++) { case 0 : case '0': c = 0; break; case 'a': c = '\a'; break; /* 07 */ case 'b': c = '\b'; break; /* 08 */ case 't': c = '\t'; break; /* 09 */ case 'n': c = '\n'; break; /* 0A */ case 'v': c = '\v'; break; /* 0B */ case 'f': c = '\f'; break; /* 0C */ case 'r': c = '\r'; break; /* 0D */ } } if ((*buf++ = c) == 0) break; cnt++; } return cnt; } void stdin_output(const char *str, size_t len) { char temp[256]; if (debugmode) printf("stdin-output(\"%.*s\")\n", (int)len, str); if ((len = escape(temp, str, len > sizeof(temp) ? sizeof(temp) : len))) { if (redirect) { fwrite(temp, 1, len, redirect); fflush(redirect); } else uinput.keystr(temp, len); } } void hdmi_control(const char *str, size_t len) { char cmd[16]; snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%.*s", (int)len, str); if (debugmode) printf("hdmi-control(%s)\n", cmd); if (cecready) { if (strcmp(cmd, "power") == 0) { if (ceclib.GetDevicePowerStatus(CECDEVICE_TV) == CEC_POWER_STATUS_ON) ceclib.StandbyDevices(); else ceclib.PowerOnDevices(); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "poweron") == 0) ceclib.PowerOnDevices(); else if (strcmp(cmd, "standby") == 0) ceclib.StandbyDevices(); else if (strcmp(cmd, "activate") == 0) ceclib.SetActiveSource(); else if (strcmp(cmd, "inactivate") == 0) ceclib.SetInactiveView(); else if (strcmp(cmd, "volumeup") == 0) ceclib.VolumeUp(); else if (strcmp(cmd, "volumedown") == 0) ceclib.VolumeDown(); else if (strcmp(cmd, "muteaudio") == 0) ceclib.MuteAudio(); } /* extended control commands */ if (*(str = props.getProperty("control", cmd))) command(str); } void command(const char *str) { char temp[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s", str); str = temp; if (debugmode) printf("command(\"%s\")\n", str); while (*str == '<') { size_t i, len = strlen(str); for (i = 1; i < len; ) { char c = str[i++]; if (c == '\\') i++; else if (c == '>') { if (i > 2) { if ((i > 3) && (str[1] == '"') && (str[i - 2] == '"')) stdin_output(str + 2, i - 4); else if (cecready) hdmi_control(str + 1, i - 2); } break; } } str += i; } if (*str) { if (debugmode) printf("system(\"%s\")\n", str); system(str); } } long subtime(struct timeval &a, struct timeval &b) { return ((long long)a.tv_sec * 1000000 + a.tv_usec) - ((long long)b.tv_sec * 1000000 + b.tv_usec); } void keyboard_input(struct input_event *event, void *arg) { struct input_event pushed; const keyinfo_t *keyinfo; keyinfo_t unknown; char keyno[8]; for (keyinfo = INPUT_KEYS; keyinfo->name && (keyinfo->code != event->code); ++keyinfo) continue; if (!keyinfo->name) { snprintf(keyno, sizeof(keyno), "%u", event->code); unknown.name = keyno; unknown.code = event->code; keyinfo = &unknown; } if (debugmode) printf("keyboard_input { name=\"%s\", code=%d, value=%d }\n", keyinfo->name, event->code, event->value); if (keyinfo->name) { if (event->value) { pushed = *event; command(props.getProperty("keyboard", keyinfo->name)); } else if (subtime(event->time, pushed.time) >= LONGPRESS_TIME) { command(props.getProperty("keyboard.long-pressed", keyinfo->name)); } } } void hdmi_cec_keypress(void *cbParam, const cec_keypress* key) { const keyinfo_t *keyinfo; keyinfo_t unknown; char keyno[8]; if (key->duration) return; for (keyinfo = HDMI_CEC_KEYS; keyinfo->name && (keyinfo->code != key->keycode); ++keyinfo) continue; if (!keyinfo->name) { snprintf(keyno, sizeof(keyno), "%u", key->keycode); unknown.name = keyno; unknown.code = key->keycode; keyinfo = &unknown; } if (debugmode) printf("hdmi_cec_keypress { name=\"%s\", code=%d, duration=%d }\n", keyinfo->name, key->keycode, key->duration); if (keyinfo->name) command(props.getProperty("tv", keyinfo->name)); } void hdmi_cec_alert(void *cbParam, const libcec_alert type, const libcec_parameter param) { if (type == CEC_ALERT_CONNECTION_LOST) ceclib.Reconnect(); } void sighandler(int signum) { exitcode = 1; } void usage(void) { printf("Application Remote Controller, Version 1.00\n"); printf("Copyright (C) 2023 Sasapea's Lab. All right reserved.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Usage: remocon [options]\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" options:\n"); printf(" -p ... redirect stdin\n"); printf(" -c ... command string\n"); printf(" -d ... debug mode\n"); printf(" -h ... this help\n"); printf("\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool optpipe = false; // // set current directory to running process directory // snprintf(config, sizeof(config), "%s", argv[0]); char *p = strrchr(config, '/'); if (p) *p = 0; chdir(config); // // load properties // snprintf(config, sizeof(config), "%s.conf", argv[0]); props.load(config); // // command line option // int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "dpc:h")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'd': debugmode = true; break; case 'p': optpipe = true; break; case 'c': uinput.start(); command(props.getProperty("control", optarg)); uinput.stop(); exit(0); case 'h': usage(); /* fall through */ default: exit(1); } } // // setup signal handler // struct sigaction act; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_handler = sighandler; act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sigaction(SIGINT , &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL); // // start Input Capture // std::vector<std::string> names; props.getPropertyNames(names, "device"); for (auto name = names.begin(); name != names.end(); ++name) remocon.add(name->c_str(), props.getProperty("device", name->c_str())); remocon.callback(keyboard_input); remocon.start(); uinput.start(); // // start HDMI-CEC Adapter // ICECCallbacks callbacks; callbacks.Clear(); callbacks.logMessage = nullptr; callbacks.keyPress = hdmi_cec_keypress; callbacks.commandReceived = nullptr; callbacks.alert = hdmi_cec_alert; cecready = ceclib.Start(callbacks, props.getProperty("tv", "name", nullptr)); // // run program // while (exitcode == 0) { // // reload properties // props.load(config); const char *cmd = props.getProperty("program", "cmdline"); if (*cmd && !debugmode) { if (!optpipe) system(cmd); else if ((redirect = popen(cmd, "w"))) pclose(redirect); } sleep(3); } // // stop HDMI-CEC Adapter // if (cecready) ceclib.Stop(); // // stop Input Capture // uinput.stop(); remocon.stop(); return exitcode; } |
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/* remocon.h - Remocon Library Copyright (c) 2023 Sasapea's Lab. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #pragma once #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/inotify.h> #include <linux/input.h> #include <linux/uinput.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG 0 #endif typedef void (*input_cb_t)(struct input_event *, void *arg); class UInput { public: UInput(void) : _fd(-1) { } virtual ~UInput(void) { stop(); } void start(void) { if ((_fd = open("/dev/uinput", O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK)) != -1) { struct uinput_setup usetup; memset(&usetup, 0, sizeof(usetup)); usetup.id.bustype = BUS_USB; usetup.id.vendor = 0x1234; /* sample vendor */ usetup.id.product = 0x5678; /* sample product */ strcpy(usetup.name, "Example device"); ioctl(_fd, UI_SET_EVBIT, EV_KEY); for (int i = 0; i < KEY_MAX; ++i) ioctl(_fd, UI_SET_KEYBIT, i); ioctl(_fd, UI_DEV_SETUP, &usetup); ioctl(_fd, UI_DEV_CREATE); } } void stop(void) { if (_fd != -1) { ioctl(_fd, UI_DEV_DESTROY); close(_fd); _fd = -1; } } void keystr(const char *str) { keystr(str, strlen(str)); } void keystr(const char *str, size_t len) { while (len-- > 0) keychar(*str++); } void keychar(char c) { static const unsigned char KEYCODES[] = { /* 00 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 01 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 02 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 03 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 04 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 05 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 06 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 07 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 08 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 09 */ KEY_TAB, /* 0A */ KEY_LINEFEED, /* 0B */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 0C */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 0D */ KEY_ENTER, /* 0E */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 0F */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 10 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 11 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 12 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 13 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 14 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 15 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 16 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 17 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 18 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 19 */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 1A */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 1B */ KEY_ESC, /* 1C */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 1D */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 1E */ KEY_RESERVED, /* 1F */ KEY_RESERVED, /* */ KEY_SPACE, /* ! */ KEY_1 | 0x80, /* " */ KEY_APOSTROPHE | 0x80, /* # */ KEY_3 | 0x80, /* $ */ KEY_4 | 0x80, /* % */ KEY_5 | 0x80, /* & */ KEY_7 | 0x80, /* ' */ KEY_APOSTROPHE, /* ( */ KEY_9 | 0x80, /* ) */ KEY_0 | 0x80, /* * */ KEY_8 | 0x80, /* + */ KEY_EQUAL | 0x80, /* , */ KEY_COMMA, /* - */ KEY_MINUS, /* . */ KEY_DOT, /* / */ KEY_SLASH, /* 0 */ KEY_0, /* 1 */ KEY_1, /* 2 */ KEY_2, /* 3 */ KEY_3, /* 4 */ KEY_4, /* 5 */ KEY_5, /* 6 */ KEY_6, /* 7 */ KEY_7, /* 8 */ KEY_8, /* 9 */ KEY_9, /* : */ KEY_SEMICOLON | 0x80, /* ; */ KEY_SEMICOLON, /* < */ KEY_COMMA | 0x80, /* = */ KEY_EQUAL, /* > */ KEY_DOT | 0x80, /* ? */ KEY_SLASH | 0x80, /* @ */ KEY_2 | 0x80, /* A */ KEY_A | 0x80, /* B */ KEY_B | 0x80, /* C */ KEY_C | 0x80, /* D */ KEY_D | 0x80, /* E */ KEY_E | 0x80, /* F */ KEY_F | 0x80, /* G */ KEY_G | 0x80, /* H */ KEY_H | 0x80, /* I */ KEY_I | 0x80, /* J */ KEY_J | 0x80, /* K */ KEY_K | 0x80, /* L */ KEY_L | 0x80, /* M */ KEY_M | 0x80, /* N */ KEY_N | 0x80, /* O */ KEY_O | 0x80, /* P */ KEY_P | 0x80, /* Q */ KEY_Q | 0x80, /* R */ KEY_R | 0x80, /* S */ KEY_S | 0x80, /* T */ KEY_T | 0x80, /* U */ KEY_U | 0x80, /* V */ KEY_V | 0x80, /* W */ KEY_W | 0x80, /* X */ KEY_X | 0x80, /* Y */ KEY_Y | 0x80, /* Z */ KEY_Z | 0x80, /* [ */ KEY_LEFTBRACE, /* \ */ KEY_BACKSLASH, /* ] */ KEY_RIGHTBRACE, /* ^ */ KEY_6 | 0x80, /* _ */ KEY_MINUS | 0x80, /* ` */ KEY_GRAVE, /* a */ KEY_A, /* b */ KEY_B, /* c */ KEY_C, /* d */ KEY_D, /* e */ KEY_E, /* f */ KEY_F, /* g */ KEY_G, /* h */ KEY_H, /* i */ KEY_I, /* j */ KEY_J, /* k */ KEY_K, /* l */ KEY_L, /* m */ KEY_M, /* n */ KEY_N, /* o */ KEY_O, /* p */ KEY_P, /* q */ KEY_Q, /* r */ KEY_R, /* s */ KEY_S, /* t */ KEY_T, /* u */ KEY_U, /* v */ KEY_V, /* w */ KEY_W, /* x */ KEY_X, /* y */ KEY_Y, /* z */ KEY_Z, /* { */ KEY_LEFTBRACE | 0x80, /* | */ KEY_BACKSLASH | 0x80, /* } */ KEY_RIGHTBRACE | 0x80, /* ~ */ KEY_GRAVE | 0x80, }; if ((unsigned char)c < sizeof(KEYCODES) / sizeof(KEYCODES[0])) { c = KEYCODES[(unsigned char)c]; if (c & 0x80) { keyctl(KEY_LEFTSHIFT, 1); keycode(c & ~0x80); keyctl(KEY_LEFTSHIFT, 0); } else if (c) keycode(c); } } void keycode(int code) { keyctl(code, 1); keyctl(code, 0); } void keyctl(int code, int value) { emit(EV_KEY, code, value); emit(EV_SYN, SYN_REPORT, 0); } private: void emit(int type, int code, int val) { struct input_event ie; ie.type = type; ie.code = code; ie.value = val; /* timestamp values below are ignored */ ie.time.tv_sec = 0; ie.time.tv_usec = 0; write(_fd, &ie, sizeof(ie)); } int _fd; }; class Input { public: typedef struct { uint16_t code; uint16_t value; } remap_t; Input(const char *name1, const char *name2, const remap_t *remap = nullptr) : _thid(0) , _fd(-1) , _enable(false) , _callback(nullptr) , _argument(nullptr) , _remap(nullptr) { _name1 = name1; _name2 = name2; _remap = remap; } virtual ~Input(void) { stop(); } void callback(input_cb_t cb, void *arg = nullptr) { _callback = cb; _argument = arg; } bool start(void) { return _enable = (pthread_create(&_thid, NULL, run0, this) == 0); } void stop(void) { stop0(); _enable = false; } private: void stop0(void) { if (_fd != -1) { ioctl(_fd, EVIOCGRAB, 0); close(_fd); _fd = -1; } } void run(void) { bool first = true; int nd, wd; if ((nd = inotify_init1(IN_CLOEXEC)) == -1) printf("[ERROR] inotify_init1(IN_CLOEXEC): %s\n", strerror(errno)); else { if ((wd = inotify_add_watch(nd, "/dev/input", IN_CREATE)) == -1) printf("[ERROR] inotify_add_watch(\"/dev/input\", IN_CREATE): %s\n", strerror(errno)); else { while (_enable) { ssize_t n; if (_fd != -1) { struct input_event input; while ((n = read(_fd, &input, sizeof(input))) == sizeof(input)) { if (_callback) { if (_remap) { for (const remap_t *map = _remap; map->code; ++map) { if (input.code == map->code) { input.code = map->value; break; } } } _callback(&input, _argument); } } if (n <= 0) stop0(); } else { struct inotify_event inotify[16]; if (first || read(nd, inotify, sizeof(inotify)) > 0) { DIR *dir; first = false; if ((dir = opendir("/dev/input"))) { struct dirent *entry; while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { if (strncmp(entry->d_name, "event", 5) == 0) { char path[PATH_MAX]; int fd; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/sys/class/input/%s/device/name", entry->d_name); if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) == -1) printf("[ERROR] open(\"%s\"): %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); else { n = read(fd, path, sizeof(path)); close(fd); if (n > 0) { path[n] = 0; if (strstr(path, _name1.c_str()) && strstr(path, _name2.c_str())) { snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/dev/input/%s", entry->d_name); if ((_fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) == -1) printf("[ERROR] open(\"%s\"): %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); else ioctl(_fd, EVIOCGRAB, 1); break; } } } } } closedir(dir); } } } } inotify_rm_watch(nd, wd); } close(nd); } } static void *run0(void *arg) { ((Input *)arg)->run(); return NULL; } std::string _name1; std::string _name2; pthread_t _thid; int _fd; bool _enable; input_cb_t _callback; void *_argument; const remap_t *_remap; }; class Remocon { public: static const int BUTTON_A = KEY_VOLUMEUP; static const int BUTTON_B = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN; Remocon(void) : _callback(nullptr) , _argument(nullptr) , _buttun_b(0) { } virtual ~Remocon(void) { stop(); for (auto input = _inputs.begin(); input != _inputs.end(); ++input) delete *input; _inputs.clear(); } void add(const char *name1, const char *name2, const Input::remap_t *remap = nullptr) { /* AB Shutter 3 */ if ((strcmp(name1, "AB Shutter") == 0) && (strcmp(name2, "Keyboard") == 0)) { /* support DAISO AB Shutter 3 */ add(name1, "Control"); /* remap KEY_ENTER to KEY_VOLUMEDOWN */ if (remap == nullptr) { static const Input::remap_t ABS3[] = { { KEY_ENTER, KEY_VOLUMEDOWN }, { 0, 0 }, }; remap = ABS3; } } Input *input = new Input(name1, name2, remap); input->callback(input0, this); _inputs.push_back(input); } void callback(input_cb_t cb, void *arg = nullptr) { _callback = cb; _argument = arg; } void start(void) { for (auto input = _inputs.begin(); input != _inputs.end(); ++input) (*input)->start(); } void stop(void) { for (auto input = _inputs.begin(); input != _inputs.end(); ++input) (*input)->stop(); } private: void input(struct input_event *event) { if ((event->type == EV_KEY) && (event->value <= 1)) { #if DEBUG printf("code=%d, value=%d\n", event->code, event->value); #endif /* support DAISO AB Shutter 3 */ if (event->code == BUTTON_B) _buttun_b = event->value; if ((event->code == BUTTON_B) || (_buttun_b == 0)) { if (_callback) _callback(event, _argument); } } } static void input0(struct input_event *event, void *arg) { ((Remocon *)arg)->input(event); } std::vector<Input *> _inputs; input_cb_t _callback; void *_argument; int _buttun_b; }; |
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/* filepros.h - File Properties Library Copyright (c) 2023 Sasapea's Lab. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #pragma once #include <stdio.h> #include "properties.h" class FileProps : public Properties { public: FileProps(void) { } virtual ~FileProps(void) { } bool load(const char* path) override { bool rv = false; FILE *fp = fopen(path, "r"); if (fp) { char buf[256]; clear(); rv = true; while (rv) { size_t len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp); if (len == 0) break; rv = parse(buf, len); } finish(); fclose(fp); } return rv; } bool save(const char* path, const char* header = nullptr) override { bool rv = false; FILE *fp = fopen(path, "w"); if (fp) { std::string str; toStringWithHeader(str, header); rv = fwrite(str.c_str(), 1, str.length(), fp) == str.length(); fclose(fp); } return rv; } }; |
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/* properties.h - Properties Library Copyright (c) 2023 Sasapea's Lab. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #pragma once #include <vector> #include <string> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> class Properties { private: typedef struct { std::string name; std::string value; } property_t; typedef struct { std::string name; std::vector<property_t> properties; } section_t; std::vector<section_t> _sections; section_t _current; std::string _linebuf; protected: std::string& trim(std::string& str) { std::string::size_type pos; pos = str.find_first_not_of(' '); if (pos != std::string::npos) str.erase(0, pos); pos = str.find_last_not_of(' '); if (pos != std::string::npos) str.erase(pos + 1); return str; } section_t* getSection(const char* name) { if (name) { for (auto sec = _sections.begin(); sec != _sections.end(); ++sec) { if (strcasecmp(sec->name.c_str(), name) == 0) return &*sec; } } return nullptr; } void setSection(section_t &newSection) { section_t* sec = getSection(newSection.name.c_str()); if (!sec) _sections.push_back(newSection); else { for (auto prop = newSection.properties.begin(); prop != newSection.properties.end(); ++prop) setProperty(*sec, *prop); } } property_t* getProperty(section_t* section, const char* name) { if (section && name) { for (auto prop = section->properties.begin(); prop != section->properties.end(); ++prop) { if (strcasecmp(prop->name.c_str(), name) == 0) return &*prop; } } return nullptr; } void setProperty(section_t §ion, property_t &prop) { trim(prop.name); trim(prop.value); property_t* exists = getProperty(§ion, prop.name.c_str()); if (exists) exists->value = prop.value; else section.properties.push_back(prop); } bool parse(const char* buf, size_t len) { while (len--) { char c = *buf++; if (c >= ' ') _linebuf += c; else if (c == 0x0A) { trim(_linebuf); if (_linebuf.length()) { c = _linebuf[0]; if (c == '[') { if (_linebuf[_linebuf.length() - 1] != ']') return false; // format error. if (_current.properties.size() || _current.name.length()) setSection(_current); _current.name = _linebuf.substr(1, _linebuf.length() - 2); _current.properties.clear(); trim(_current.name); } else if ((c != ';') && (c != '#')) { int sep = _linebuf.find('='); if (sep < 0) sep = _linebuf.length(); property_t prop = {_linebuf.substr(0, sep), _linebuf.substr(sep + 1)}; setProperty(_current, prop); } _linebuf.clear(); } } } return true; } void finish(void) { if (_current.properties.size() || _current.name.length()) setSection(_current); _current.name.clear(); _current.properties.clear(); _linebuf.clear(); } public: Properties(void) { } virtual ~Properties(void) { } void clear(void) { _sections.clear(); _current.name.clear(); _current.properties.clear(); _linebuf.clear(); } std::vector<std::string>& getSectionNames(std::vector<std::string>& names) { names.clear(); for (auto sec = _sections.begin(); sec != _sections.end(); ++sec) names.push_back(sec->name); return names; } std::vector<std::string>& getPropertyNames(std::vector<std::string>& names, const char* section) { names.clear(); section_t* sec = getSection(section); if (sec) { for (auto prop = sec->properties.begin(); prop != sec->properties.end(); ++prop) names.push_back(prop->name); } return names; } void removeSection(const char* section) { if (section) { for (auto sec = _sections.begin(); sec != _sections.end(); ++sec) { if (strcasecmp(sec->name.c_str(), section) == 0) { _sections.erase(sec); break; } } } } void removeProperty(const char* section, const char* name) { if (name) { section_t* sec = getSection(section); if (sec) { for (auto prop = sec->properties.begin(); prop != sec->properties.end(); ++prop) { if (strcasecmp(prop->name.c_str(), name) == 0) { sec->properties.erase(prop); break; } } } } } void setProperty(const char* section, const char* name, const char* value) { if (section && name && value) { section_t newsec = {section, {{name, value}}}; setSection(newsec); } } void setPropertyInt(const char* section, const char* name, int value) { if (section && name) { char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", value); section_t newsec = {section, {{name, buf}}}; setSection(newsec); } } void setPropertyI64(const char* section, const char* name, int64_t value) { if (section && name) { char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", (long long int)value); section_t newsec = {section, {{name, buf}}}; setSection(newsec); } } const char* getProperty(const char* section, const char* name, const char* defval = "") { property_t* prop = getProperty(getSection(section), name); return prop ? prop->value.c_str() : defval; } int getPropertyInt(const char* section, const char* name, int defval = 0) { const char* value = getProperty(section, name); return *value ? atoi(value) : defval; } int getPropertyI64(const char* section, const char* name, int64_t defval = 0) { const char* value = getProperty(section, name); return *value ? strtoll(value, NULL, 10) : defval; } std::string& toString(std::string &str) { std::vector<std::string> names; std::string props; str.clear(); getSectionNames(names); for (auto name = names.begin(); name != names.end(); ++name) str.append("[").append(*name).append("]\n").append(toString(props, name->c_str())); return str; } std::string& toString(std::string &str, const char* section) { if (section == nullptr) toString(str); else { std::vector<std::string> names; str.clear(); getPropertyNames(names, section); for (auto name = names.begin(); name != names.end(); ++name) str.append(*name).append("=").append(getProperty(section, name->c_str())).append("\n"); } return str; |