・PCBサイズは、10.4 x 13.6mm。(メチャちっちゃい)
いつものようにPCBGOGOに発注したら基板がちっちゃいのに値段が同じなのは可哀そうだと思われたのか発注数10枚に対し14枚ほど届いてしまった。最近オマケが多くなってきた気がするが担当者にもよるのかな?とりあえず謝謝しておこう!<(_ _)>
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#include "ledsensor.h" LEDSensor<HardwareSerial, Serial> ledsensor; uint32_t start; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); start = millis(); } void loop() { uint16_t result = ledsensor.handle(); if (millis() - start >= 1000) { start = millis(); Serial.println(result); } } |
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/* ledsensor.h - Optical Detect Sensor Library for ATtiny10 LED Sensor Copyright (c) 2021 Sasapea's Lab. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __LEDSENSOR_H #define __LEDSENSOR_H #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #define LEDSENSOR_LPF 4 // % template<typename UART_T, UART_T& UART, uint8_t LPF = LEDSENSOR_LPF> class LEDSensor { private: uint16_t _result; uint8_t _count; char _buffer[8]; public: LEDSensor(void) : _result(0) , _count(0) { } uint16_t handle(void) { int c; while ((c = UART.read()) >= 0) { if (c == '\n') { char *endptr; _buffer[_count] = 0; _count = 0; uint32_t val = strtoul(_buffer, &endptr, 16); if ((endptr == _buffer + 4) && (*endptr == '\r')) { // low pass filter _result += (int32_t)(val - _result) * LPF / 100; } } else if (_count < sizeof(_buffer)) _buffer[_count++] = c; } return _result; } }; #endif |
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/* main.h - LED Sensor Firmware for ATtiny10 Copyright (c) 2021 Sasapea's Lab. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <stdint.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include "swuart.h" // // mode config // #define BAUDRATE 38400 // bps #define PULSE1MS (1000 / 8) // pulse count of 1ms // // define I/O Port // #define ANODE PB0 #define CATHODE PB1 #define TX PB2 #define MODE PB3 // // Config Byte // #define CONFIG_BYTE ((uint8_t *)0x3F40) #define RSTDISBL 0 #define WDTON 1 #define CKOUT 2 // // Transmit HEX Character // static void transmit(uint8_t b) { SWUART<IOPORT_PIN('B', TX), BAUDRATE>::transmit(b); } static void transmitHex4(uint8_t b) { transmit(b < 10 ? b + '0' : b + 'A' - 10); } static void transmitHex8(uint8_t b) { transmitHex4((b >> 4) & 0x0F); transmitHex4((b >> 0) & 0x0F); } // // Transmit 16Bit Value // static void transmitData(uint16_t c) { transmitHex8(c >> 8); transmitHex8(c >> 0); transmit(0x0D); transmit(0x0A); } // // Timer Compare-A Interrupt // ISR(TIM0_COMPA_vect) { // Input TX Pin DDRB &= ~_BV(TX); // Enable Pin Change Interrupt PCICR = _BV(PCIE0); } // // Timer Compare-B Interrupt // ISR(TIM0_COMPB_vect) { // Clear Timer Interrupt Request Flag TIFR0 = -1; // Enable Timer Compare Interrupt TIMSK0 = _BV(OCIE0A); } // // Timer Overflow Interrupt // ISR(TIM0_OVF_vect) { // UART Mode ? if ((CONFIG_BYTE[0] & _BV(RSTDISBL)) || (PINB & _BV(MODE))) { // Transmit Capture Data transmitData(ICR0); } // PULSE Mode else { register uint16_t count; // Setup Timer GTCCR = _BV(TSM) | _BV(PSR); TCNT0 = 0; TIFR0 = -1; count = ICR0; OCR0A = count + PULSE1MS; OCR0B = 0x8000; TIMSK0 = (count <= 0xFFFF - PULSE1MS ? _BV(OCIE0A) : _BV(OCIE0B)); // Start Timer GTCCR = 0; // Output(Low) TX Pin DDRB |= _BV(TX); // Disable Pin Change Interrupt PCICR = 0; } } // // Pin Change Interrupt // ISR(PCINT0_vect) { // Output(?) CATHODE Pin DDRB |= _BV(CATHODE); if (PINB & _BV(TX)) { // Setup Timer and Enable Interrupt GTCCR = _BV(TSM) | _BV(PSR); TCNT0 = 0; TIFR0 = -1; TIMSK0 = _BV(TOIE0); ICR0 = -1; // Charging to Internal Parasitic Capacitance of LED PORTB |= _BV(CATHODE); // Output(High) CATHODE Pin PORTB &= ~_BV(ANODE); // Output(Low) ANODE Pin // Start Timer GTCCR = 0; // Input CATHODE Pin DDRB &= ~_BV(CATHODE); } else { // LED Light ON PORTB &= ~_BV(CATHODE); // Output(Low) CATHODE Pin PORTB |= _BV(ANODE); // Output(High) ANODE Pin // Disable Timer Interrupt TIMSK0 = 0; } } // // Main Program // int main(void) { // Disable AC ACSR = _BV(ACD); // Disable ADC PRR = _BV(PRADC); // Start Timer (Normal Mode, 1/8 clock) TCCR0B = _BV(CS01); // Output(Low) CATHODE Pin DDRB |= _BV(CATHODE); // Output(Low) ANODE Pin DDRB |= _BV(ANODE); // Pullup MODE Pin PUEB |= _BV(MODE); // Pullup TX Pin PUEB |= _BV(TX); // Enable Pin Change Interrupt PCICR = _BV(PCIE0); PCMSK = _BV(TX); // Force Pin Change Interrupt Request DDRB |= _BV(TX); DDRB &= ~_BV(TX); // Enable Sleep Mode sleep_enable(); // Enable Interrupts sei(); // Enter Sleep Mode (IDLE) while (1) sleep_cpu(); } |
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/* swuart.h - Software UART Transmitter (open drain mode) for AVR Copyright (c) 2021 Sasapea's Lab. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __SWUART_H #define __SWUART_H #include "ioport.h" #define SWUART_DELAY_CYCLE 3 // cycle of delay loop #define SWUART_SHIFT_CYCLE 3 // cycle of bit assembly #define SWUART_CLOCK_CYCLE(b) ((float)F_CPU / (b)) #define SWUART_SWCLK_CYCLE(b) (int)(SWUART_CLOCK_CYCLE(b) + 0.5) #define SWUART_DELAY(b, n, m) \ do \ { \ int cycle = 0; \ float error = SWUART_CLOCK_CYCLE(b) - SWUART_SWCLK_CYCLE(b); \ float round = (error < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5); \ error -= (int)error; \ if (((int)(error * (n) + round) ^ (int)(error * ((n) + 1) + round)) & 1) \ cycle += (error < 0 ? -1 : 1); \ if ((cycle += SWUART_SWCLK_CYCLE(b) - SWUART_SHIFT_CYCLE + (m)) > 0) \ { \ if (cycle / SWUART_DELAY_CYCLE) \ __asm__ volatile \ ( \ "ldi r27, %[_COUNT_]" "\n\t" \ "1: dec r27" "\n\t" \ "brne 1b" "\n\t" \ : \ : [_COUNT_] "M" (cycle / SWUART_DELAY_CYCLE) \ : "r27" \ ); \ if ((cycle % SWUART_DELAY_CYCLE) > 0) \ __asm__ volatile ("nop"); \ if ((cycle % SWUART_DELAY_CYCLE) > 1) \ __asm__ volatile ("nop"); \ } \ } \ while (0) // // Transmit Byte // // assume that PUE(IOPORT_PINPOS(TXPIN))=1, DDR(IOPORT_PINPOS(TXPIN))=0, PORT(IOPORT_PINPOS(TXPIN))=0 // template<uint8_t TXPIN, uint32_t BAUDRATE = 115200> class SWUART { public: static void transmit(uint8_t data) { if (SWUART_SWCLK_CYCLE(BAUDRATE) >= 256 * SWUART_DELAY_CYCLE + SWUART_SHIFT_CYCLE - 1) return; __asm__ volatile ( "mov r24, %[_DATA_]" "\n\t" "mov r25, r24" "\n\t" "lsl r25" "\n\t" "eor r24, r25" "\n\t" "ldi r26, 1 << %[_POS_]" "\n\t" "in r23, __SREG__" "\n\t" "cli" "\n\t" "in r25, %[_DDR_]" "\n\t" "or r25, r26" "\n\t" "out %[_DDR_], r25" "\n\t" : : [_DDR_ ] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(IOPORT_DIRREG(TXPIN))) , [_POS_ ] "I" (IOPORT_PINPOS(TXPIN)) , [_DATA_] "r" (data) : "r23", "r25", "r26" ); SWUART_DELAY(BAUDRATE, 0, 0); __asm__ volatile ( "sbrc r24, 0" "\n\t" "eor r25, r26" "\n\t" "out %[_DDR_], r25" "\n\t" : : [_DDR_] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(IOPORT_DIRREG(TXPIN))) ); SWUART_DELAY(BAUDRATE, 1, 0); __asm__ volatile ( "sbrc r24, 1" "\n\t" "eor r25, r26" "\n\t" "out %[_DDR_], r25" "\n\t" : : [_DDR_] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(IOPORT_DIRREG(TXPIN))) ); SWUART_DELAY(BAUDRATE, 2, 0); __asm__ volatile ( "sbrc r24, 2" "\n\t" "eor r25, r26" "\n\t" "out %[_DDR_], r25" "\n\t" : : [_DDR_] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(IOPORT_DIRREG(TXPIN))) ); SWUART_DELAY(BAUDRATE, 3, 0); __asm__ volatile ( "sbrc r24, 3" "\n\t" "eor r25, r26" "\n\t" "out %[_DDR_], r25" "\n\t" : : [_DDR_] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(IOPORT_DIRREG(TXPIN))) ); SWUART_DELAY(BAUDRATE, 4, 0); __asm__ volatile ( "sbrc r24, 4" "\n\t" "eor r25, r26" "\n\t" "out %[_DDR_], r25" "\n\t" : : [_DDR_] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(IOPORT_DIRREG(TXPIN))) ); SWUART_DELAY(BAUDRATE, 5, 0); __asm__ volatile ( "sbrc r24, 5" "\n\t" "eor r25, r26" "\n\t" "out %[_DDR_], r25" "\n\t" : : [_DDR_] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(IOPORT_DIRREG(TXPIN))) ); SWUART_DELAY(BAUDRATE, 6, 0); __asm__ volatile ( "sbrc r24, 6" "\n\t" "eor r25, r26" "\n\t" "out %[_DDR_], r25" "\n\t" : : [_DDR_] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(IOPORT_DIRREG(TXPIN))) ); SWUART_DELAY(BAUDRATE, 7, 0); __asm__ volatile ( "sbrc r24, 7" "\n\t" "eor r25, r26" "\n\t" "out %[_DDR_], r25" "\n\t" : : [_DDR_] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(IOPORT_DIRREG(TXPIN))) ); SWUART_DELAY(BAUDRATE, 8, 0); __asm__ volatile ( "or r25, r26" "\n\t" "eor r25, r26" "\n\t" "out %[_DDR_], r25" "\n\t" "out __SREG__, r23" "\n\t" : : [_DDR_] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(IOPORT_DIRREG(TXPIN))) ); SWUART_DELAY(BAUDRATE, 9, 0); } }; #endif |
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/* ioport.h - I/O Port Library for AVR Series Copyright (c) 2020 Sasapea's Lab. All right reserved. [i/o pin number mapping] PA0 - PA7 ... 0 - 7 PB0 - PB7 ... 8 - 15 PC0 - PC7 ... 16 - 23 PD0 - PD7 ... 24 - 31 PE0 - PE7 ... 32 - 39 PF0 - PF7 ... 40 - 47 PG0 - PG7 ... 48 - 55 PH0 - PH7 ... 56 - 63 PI0 - PI7 ... 64 - 71 PJ0 - PJ7 ... 72 - 79 PK0 - PK7 ... 80 - 87 PL0 - PL7 ... 88 - 95 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __IOPORT_H #define __IOPORT_H #ifdef ARDUINO #include "Arduino.h" #else #include <stdint.h> #include <avr/io.h> #define INPUT 0 #define OUTPUT 1 #define INPUT_PULLUP 2 #define LOW 0 #define HIGH 1 #endif #define IOPORT_PID(port) ((port) - 'A') #define IOPORT_PIN(port, pos) ((IOPORT_PID(port) << 3) | (pos & 7)) #define IOPORT_PORTID(pin) ((pin) >> 3) #define IOPORT_PINPOS(pin) ((pin) & 7) #define IOPORT_PINVAL(pin) (1 << IOPORT_PINPOS(pin)) #define IOPORT_UNDEFINED _SFR_MEM8(0xFFFF) #ifdef PINA #define IOPORT_PINA PINA #else #define IOPORT_PINA IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef DDRA #define IOPORT_DDRA DDRA #else #define IOPORT_DDRA IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PORTA #define IOPORT_PORTA PORTA #else #define IOPORT_PORTA IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PINB #define IOPORT_PINB PINB #else #define IOPORT_PINB IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef DDRB #define IOPORT_DDRB DDRB #else #define IOPORT_DDRB IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PORTB #define IOPORT_PORTB PORTB #else #define IOPORT_PORTB IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PINC #define IOPORT_PINC PINC #else #define IOPORT_PINC IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef DDRC #define IOPORT_DDRC DDRC #else #define IOPORT_DDRC IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PORTC #define IOPORT_PORTC PORTC #else #define IOPORT_PORTC IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PIND #define IOPORT_PIND PIND #else #define IOPORT_PIND IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef DDRD #define IOPORT_DDRD DDRD #else #define IOPORT_DDRD IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PORTD #define IOPORT_PORTD PORTD #else #define IOPORT_PORTD IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PINE #define IOPORT_PINE PINE #else #define IOPORT_PINE IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef DDRE #define IOPORT_DDRE DDRE #else #define IOPORT_DDRE IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PORTE #define IOPORT_PORTE PORTE #else #define IOPORT_PORTE IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PINF #define IOPORT_PINF PINF #else #define IOPORT_PINF IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef DDRF #define IOPORT_DDRF DDRF #else #define IOPORT_DDRF IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PORTF #define IOPORT_PORTF PORTF #else #define IOPORT_PORTF IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PING #define IOPORT_PING PING #else #define IOPORT_PING IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef DDRG #define IOPORT_DDRG DDRG #else #define IOPORT_DDRG IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PORTG #define IOPORT_PORTG PORTG #else #define IOPORT_PORTG IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PINH #define IOPORT_PINH PINH #else #define IOPORT_PINH IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef DDRH #define IOPORT_DDRH DDRH #else #define IOPORT_DDRH IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PORTH #define IOPORT_PORTH PORTH #else #define IOPORT_PORTH IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PINI #define IOPORT_PINI PINI #else #define IOPORT_PINI IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef DDRI #define IOPORT_DDRI DDRI #else #define IOPORT_DDRI IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PORTI #define IOPORT_PORTI PORTI #else #define IOPORT_PORTI IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PINJ #define IOPORT_PINJ PINJ #else #define IOPORT_PINJ IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef DDRJ #define IOPORT_DDRJ DDRJ #else #define IOPORT_DDRJ IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PORTJ #define IOPORT_PORTJ PORTJ #else #define IOPORT_PORTJ IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PINK #define IOPORT_PINK PINK #else #define IOPORT_PINK IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef DDRK #define IOPORT_DDRK DDRK #else #define IOPORT_DDRK IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PORTK #define IOPORT_PORTK PORTK #else #define IOPORT_PORTK IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PINL #define IOPORT_PINL PINL #else #define IOPORT_PINL IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef DDRL #define IOPORT_DDRL DDRL #else #define IOPORT_DDRL IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #ifdef PORTL #define IOPORT_PORTL PORTL #else #define IOPORT_PORTL IOPORT_UNDEFINED #endif #define IOPORT_DIRREG(pin) \ ((pin) < (8 * 1) ? IOPORT_DDRA \ : ((pin) < (8 * 2) ? IOPORT_DDRB \ : ((pin) < (8 * 3) ? IOPORT_DDRC \ : ((pin) < (8 * 4) ? IOPORT_DDRD \ : ((pin) < (8 * 5) ? IOPORT_DDRE \ : ((pin) < (8 * 6) ? IOPORT_DDRF \ : ((pin) < (8 * 7) ? IOPORT_DDRG \ : ((pin) < (8 * 8) ? IOPORT_DDRH \ : ((pin) < (8 * 9) ? IOPORT_DDRI \ : ((pin) < (8 * 10) ? IOPORT_DDRJ \ : ((pin) < (8 * 11) ? IOPORT_DDRK \ : ((pin) < (8 * 12) ? IOPORT_DDRL \ : IOPORT_UNDEFINED)))))))))))) #define IOPORT_OUTREG(pin) \ ((pin) < (8 * 1) ? IOPORT_PORTA \ : ((pin) < (8 * 2) ? IOPORT_PORTB \ : ((pin) < (8 * 3) ? IOPORT_PORTC \ : ((pin) < (8 * 4) ? IOPORT_PORTD \ : ((pin) < (8 * 5) ? IOPORT_PORTE \ : ((pin) < (8 * 6) ? IOPORT_PORTF \ : ((pin) < (8 * 7) ? IOPORT_PORTG \ : ((pin) < (8 * 8) ? IOPORT_PORTH \ : ((pin) < (8 * 9) ? IOPORT_PORTI \ : ((pin) < (8 * 10) ? IOPORT_PORTJ \ : ((pin) < (8 * 11) ? IOPORT_PORTK \ : ((pin) < (8 * 12) ? IOPORT_PORTL \ : IOPORT_UNDEFINED)))))))))))) #define IOPORT_TGLREG(pin) IOPORT_INREG(pin) #define IOPORT_INREG(pin) \ ((pin) < (8 * 1) ? IOPORT_PINA \ : ((pin) < (8 * 2) ? IOPORT_PINB \ : ((pin) < (8 * 3) ? IOPORT_PINC \ : ((pin) < (8 * 4) ? IOPORT_PIND \ : ((pin) < (8 * 5) ? IOPORT_PINE \ : ((pin) < (8 * 6) ? IOPORT_PINF \ : ((pin) < (8 * 7) ? IOPORT_PING \ : ((pin) < (8 * 8) ? IOPORT_PINH \ : ((pin) < (8 * 9) ? IOPORT_PINI \ : ((pin) < (8 * 10) ? IOPORT_PINJ \ : ((pin) < (8 * 11) ? IOPORT_PINK \ : ((pin) < (8 * 12) ? IOPORT_PINL \ : IOPORT_UNDEFINED)))))))))))) class IOPORT { public: static void pinMode(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode) { if (mode == OUTPUT) IOPORT_DIRREG(pin) |= IOPORT_PINVAL(pin); else { IOPORT_DIRREG(pin) &= ~IOPORT_PINVAL(pin); digitalWrite(pin, mode == INPUT_PULLUP); } } static void digitalWrite(uint8_t pin, uint8_t val) { if (val) IOPORT_OUTREG(pin) |= IOPORT_PINVAL(pin); else IOPORT_OUTREG(pin) &= ~IOPORT_PINVAL(pin); } static void toggleOutput(uint8_t pin) { IOPORT_TGLREG(pin) |= IOPORT_PINVAL(pin); } static uint8_t digitalRead(uint8_t pin) { return IOPORT_INREG(pin) & IOPORT_PINVAL(pin) ? HIGH : LOW; } }; #endif |